Order form

Fields marked by asterisk (*) are obligatory.

Customer Information


Phone Number

Shipping Address (if is different than above)

Please be informed that by sending this Order Form you accept the processing of your personal data necessary to accomplished this order only (in accordance to the Data Protection Act 1998 and relevant legislation (unified text: Journal of Laws of 2014, item 1182 with amendments). All data received are confidential. You have right to inspect, correct and erase your personal data.


Order Specification

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Sekcja 19  Help
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Sekcja 24  Help

Data for Payment: Beneficiary: Phytomedica Polska,
Bank Account No.: PL 59 1440 1185 0000 0000 0672 8081,

Aby zpałacić kartą lub poprzez PayPal, kliknij na przycisk "Kup teraz" poniżej. Płatność będzie przeprowadzona przez bezpieczne połączenie internetowe serwisu .

Please notice: To the order total value a lump sum of €6,00 for package and postage cost shall be added.